Essex MAT – a Multi Academy Trust for Essex. Our Vision & Values.

Welcome to Essex MAT – a Multi Academy Trust for Essex.

Essex MAT is a collaborative learning community with shared values and a collective responsibility for all children and young people within the trust. It celebrates the individual identity of schools whilst ensuring the highest expectations of all.

Central to the vision for Essex MAT is the importance of enabling every child and young person to reach their full potential through fostering the highest aspirations of learners, staff, parents and community.

Essex MAT actively supports the development of empowered citizens of the future through a curriculum which enables individuals to develop lively enquiring minds and perseverance in learning.

In an Essex MAT school, everyone has the opportunity to be great.

Essex MAT – a Multi Academy Trust for Essex.

Essex MAT –
  Success and
  Excellence through Learning













Essex MAT – a Multi Academy Trust for Essex. Our Aims & Ethos

At Essex MAT we strive to:

  • Promote inclusion, tolerance and understanding and an appreciation of the diversity of people’s circumstances, cultures, traditions and faiths, supporting pupils to become responsible global citizens.
  • Enable pupils to develop lively, enquiring minds through active dialogue and engagement, the ability to question and discuss rationally with knowledge, skills and understanding relevant to a fast changing world.
  • Provide a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum with opportunities to develop and achieve physically, socially, morally, culturally and spiritually through challenging experiential learning within a secure, welcoming and ordered environment.
  • Ensure that all pupils have equal access to highly effective teaching and a broad range of formal and informal learning opportunities.
  • Establish excellent relationships based on mutual respect within in each school so that children, staff and parents feel valued and safe and bullying is not tolerated.
  • Promote self-discipline, resilience, co-operation, independence and physical and emotional well-being, thereby equipping pupils to achieve high standards in both educational achievements and their lives beyond the classroom.
  • Support the central role parents/carers play in the education of pupils and actively engage with them to capitalise on their contribution and that of the local community.
  • Engage in effective collaborative school improvement across and beyond the trust through rigorous self-evaluation in partnership with all stakeholders.

Essex MAT – a Multi Academy Trust for Essex.

Essex MAT –
  Success and
  Excellence through Learning